Brandon Lee Fisher

(1987 - 2020)

Brandon and kids

Brandon was born to Mariea Lynn King on December 28th, 1987 in Indianapolis. He is the nephew of Tina Hall (website owner) and the subject of this memorial.

Brandon is pictured above (left to right: Breleigh, Brandon, Brandon Jr., Savannah, and Zoey his cousin) with his children and a cousin. I love this photo of him. It's playful and happy. This is how I want to remember my nephew. I last saw him as a child and did not see him much as he was growing up. I wish I could have spent more time with him. He was such a cute little boy and so loving. My last memory of him was that last Christmas where he chose me as his person to give a gift to. He picked out a lovely little watch to give to me and even though the battery finally died in it (and I couldn't figure out how to open it) I have kept that gift. It brings him a little closer to me. Something he touched that is mine so I have a little piece of him with me always. I am so grieved at his passing at a depth unimagined.


Brandon spent his adult life working with his hands. He built things so spent time doing carpentry type work and as a handyman. He even started his own business. Brandon married later in life and is survived by his wife, children, his mother, and extended family who mourn his loss. May he be free of the pains he suffered in life. We love you, Brandon.

Be at peace, nephew.

Brandon Lee Fisher
b. December 28, 1887 Indianapolis, Indiana
d. July 25, 2020  Indianapolis, Indiana

© Copyright 2020, Tina Hall
Written July 26th, 2020