John Yeates

granted 204 acres in 1747
in Brunswick County, Virginia

George the Second by the Grace of God of Great Position France and Ireland king Defender of this ? TO all to whom these Presents shall come Greeting know ye that for a ? good cause considerations but more especially for and in consideration of the sum of Twenty shillings of good and lawful money forever use paid to our Borower General fo our ? in this our Colony and Dominion of Virginia We have Given Granted and Confirmed and by those Presents for us our heirs and Successers Do Give Grant and Confirm unto John Yeates One certain Tract or Parcel of Land containing two hundred and four acres lying and being in the County of Brunswick on the South side od Fan River and bounded as followeth, to wit

Beginning at the Mouth of a Creek Th? up the Creek as it meanders to a Beech on the same Thento South twenty nine degrees West sixty six poles to a white Oak, Thento South fourteen degrees West eighty two poles to a red Oak Thento South five degrees East one hundred ans seventy two poles to a white Oak Thento South twenty three degrees East one - hundred and ninety eight to a red oak Thento South seventy degrees West seventy poles to a Spanish Oak on the Gi?Th? down the said River as it Meanders th the Beginning

With all Woods Underwoods Swamps Marshes Low Grounds Meadows Feedings and his ? shore? of all Views? Mines and Quarries as well discussed as not. - discovered within the bounds aforesaid and being part of the said Quantity of two hundred and four acres of Land and the Rivers Waters and Watercourses therein contained Together with the Privildges of Hunting ? S?awking Fishing Fowling and all other Profits Commodities and ?aments whatsoever to the same or any part thereof belonging or in any wise apportaining To have hold Pofsefs and enjoy the said Tract or Parcel of Land and all other ? before Granted Promises and every part thereof with their and every of their app/sts unto the said John Yeates and to his Heirs and Afsigns forever To the only use and behoof of him the said John Yeats his Heirs and Afsigns forever To be held of us our heirs and Succefsors as of our Manner of East G? in the Count of Kent in free and ? ? and not in Capito or by knights for? Yielding and Paying unto us our Heirs and Succefsers for every Fifty acres of Land and so propositionably for a ? or greater Quantity than Fifty acres ? F? Rent of one shilling yearly to be paid upon the Feast of St. Michael His Archangel and also Cultivating and Improving three acres part of every Fifty of the Tract abovementioned within three years after the date of those Presents Provided always that if three years of the said F? Rent shall at any time ? arrear and unpaid or if the said John Yeats his Heirs or Afsigns do not within the spare of three years ? ? after the date of those Presents Cultivated and Improve three acres part of every Fifty of the Tract abovementioned Then the Estate hereby Granted shall ? and Go utterly determined and thereafter it shall and may be lawful, to and for us our Heirs and Succefsers to Grant the same Lands and Promises with the appurts unto such other Person or Person as is our Heirs and Succefsers shall think fit In Witnefs whereof we have Caused those our Letters Patent to be made Witnefs our Trusty and Welbeloved Sir William Gooch ? ? Lieut. Governor and Commander in Chief of our said Colony and Dominion at Williamsburgh under the Seal of our said Colony the twenty fifth day of July one thousand seven hundred and forty seven In the xxj.? year of our Reign

William Gooch