Shelton land to Josiah Shelton

A copy of this document was provided by my dear cousin, Vonette Curtis.


This Indenture made this 6th day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight Hundred and Two between WILLIAM SHELTON, JR., GEORGE SHELTON, SUSANNA HAMMONDS, EPHRAIM RUSSELL & wife ELIZABETH & HENRY HOILER & wife ANNA of the one part & of the County of Pittsylvania & State of Virginia & JOSIAH SHELTON of the County & State aforesaid of the other part Witnesseth that he WILLIAM SHELTON JR. GEORGE SHELTON, SUSANNA HAM. EPHRAIM RUSSELL & wife ELIZABETH & HENRY HOILER & wife ANNA for and in consideration of the Sum of Two Hundred pounds Current money of Virginia to them in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged by them the said WM. SHELTON, JR. GEORGE SHELTON SUSANNA HAMMONDS EPHRAIM RUSSELL & wife ELIZABETH & HENRY HOILER & wife ANNA hath granted Bargained sold & Confirmed and by their presents doth Grant Bargain and sell and confirm unto the said JOSIAH SHELTON his heirs and assignees for ever all our right title claim or interest in and to a Certain tract or parcel of Land lying in the County of Pittsylvania on the North side of Dan River whereon HANNAH SHELTON now lives it being all our part or parts of land which may or shall fall to us from the Estate of WILLIAM SHELTON dec'd. when ever the aforesaid Land (?is allotted?) and (?land?) of to the Legatees of the Decedent Together with all improvements & appurtenances thereon to belonging or in any ? appertaining & also all the Estate, right to the Interest Claim or demand of them the said WILLIAM SHELTON JR., GEORGE SHELTON, SUSANNA HAMMONDS EPHRAIM RUSSELL & Wife ELIZABETH & HENRY HOILER & Wife ANNA of in & to the said tract or parcel of Land to have & to hold the said Land and promises and Every part thereof with the appurtenances Hereunto belonging with the said JOSIAH SHELTON his heirs or assignees for ever to the only proper use & behoof of him the said JOSIAH SHELTON his heirs a assigness for ever & the said WM SHELTON JNR. GEORGE SHELTON SUSANNA HAMMONDS EPHRAIM RUSSL & Wife ELIZABETH & HENRY HOILER & Wife ANNA doth hereby warrant and forever Defend the Land & premises unto the said JOSIAH SHELTON his heirs and assignees forever & against them ? said WM. SHELTON JR. GEO. SHELTON SUSANNA HAMMONDS EPHRAIM RUSSELL & Wife ELIZABETH & HENRY HOILER & Wife ANNA their heirs & assignees & all & every other person or persons Whatsoever will Warrant ? & forever Defend by this presents in witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands & seals the said Day and year above Written

Signed Sealed and} William (his mark) Shelton {seal}
Delivered in the presents of} George (his mark) Shelton {seal}
Wm (his mark) Ross Susanna (her mark) Hammonds {seal}
Jeffrey (his mark) Gibson Susanna (her mark) Hammonds {seal}
  Ephraim (his mark) Russell {seal}
  Elizabeth (her mark) Russell {seal}
  Henry (his mark) Hoiler {seal}

At a Court held for Pittsylvania County the 20 day of June 1803