William Shelton, Sr.

granted 250 acres in 1784
in Pittsylvania County, Virginia.

Benjamin Harrison Esquire Governour of the Commonwealth of Virginia to all to whom these presents shall come greeting Know ye that the Consideration of the ancient Composition of one pound five Shillings Sterling paid by WILLIAM SHELTON into the Treasury of this Commonwealth, there is granted by the said Commonwealth unto the said WILLIAM SHELTON a certain Land or parcel of Land Containing Two hundred and fifty acres by Survey bearing date the Eleventh day of February one Thousand Seven hundred and Eighty three lying and being in the County of Pittsylvania on the North side of Dann River and is bounded as followeth to wit


Beginning at the said SHELTONs corner red oak in JOHN WAREs line, thence on the said SHELTONs former lines North Sixty degrees West eighty ?five? poles to a pine, South five degrees West one hundred and ?Six? poles to a pine, North Sixty Nine degrees East Ninety ?six? poles to an ash on Dann River and down the same as it Meanders thirty eight poles to 800000WILSONs corner white oak, thence on his lines West one hundred and Six poles to a pine North fifty eight degrees West forty six poles to a chesnut in said SHELTONs former line, thence along the same South one hundred and Ten poles to a pine West one hundred and Sixty five poles to ?pointers?, thence on SYLVESTER ADAMs lines South Twenty one degrees East one hundred and thirty four poles to a pine, South thirty one degrees East one hundred and forty eight poles to a ? oak, thence on WAREs line aforesaid ? thirty one degrees East Sixty poles to a pine North forty degrees. West Ninety five poles to a pine, North forty ?Five or Six? degrees East fifty ?Five or Six? poles to a white oak, thence South forty nine degrees East three hundred and Twenty poles to a corner and North Seventy ?Six? poles to the Beginning with its appurtenances To have and to hold The said Tract or parcel of Land with its appurtenances to the said 800000Shelton and his Heirs for ever In witness whereof the said Benjamin Harrison Esquire Governour of the Commonwealth of Virginia hath here unto Set his hand and Caused the ? seal of the said Commonwealth to be affixed at Richmond on the first day of June in the year of our Lord one Thousand Seven hundred and eighty four, and of the Commonwealth the Eight?

This document is then signed by Benjamin Harrison.