My 4th Great Uncle. This rubbing was given to me by my cousin, Sue Reynolds.
Midgett G. Cutrell was born to an unknown father and mother, Milney, on July 13th, 1808 in North Carolina. Sometime within the next year or two, his family moved to Wilson county, Tennessee. His mother was located in the 1820 census records with Midgett and his siblings. His father was now missing and we cousins presume he is dead.
In October of 1830, Midgett married Frances Swann, the daughter of Katherine and Andrew Swan. Midgett and Fannie, as she was called, had nine children together: William P., Philip F., John S., Elizabeth A., Ephraim, Joseph Frank, Margaret, Lucy M., and Sarah Jane.
Midgett was a Mason in his life, as the symbol on the top of his headstone indicates. He died on February 22nd, 1879 in Smith County, Tennessee.