A very special thanks must go to my cousin, Dorothy Lewis, for providing me with a copy of this will.
The Last Will & Testament of Daniel McNeil In the name of God Amen. I, DANIEL McNEAL of the State of Mississippi and County of Amite being of sound mind and memory, and considering the uncertainty of life do thereupon make ordain, publish and declare this to be my last will and Testament.
That is to say, First, after all my lawful debts are paid and discharged, the residue of my estate, real and personal, I give and bequeath and dispose of follow, to wit,
All the land I own in the county Wilkinson state aforesaid, I will and bequeath to my eldest set of children that is to CHARLES McNEIL, DANIEL McNEAL, ELBERT McNEAL, J W McNEIL and RACHEL COBB and SARAH WILKINSON and MARTHA SHROPSHIRE, to share and share alike between them, also a lot of (joined?) cotton of which each one of the above named heirs is to have one bale each except CHARLES McNEAL which I give him instead of said bale of cotton a note which I hold against him for one hundred and forty eight dollars and fifty cents, which is the only note I hold against him.
All the land I own the County of Amite State aforesaid I will and bequeath to my beloved wife and her two children COURTNEY ANN and JOHN C. McNEAL, also all the residue of my estate real and personal to be shared, share and share alike between them inthe event of my wife's death. it is my will that her part shall be equally shared between COURTNEY ANN and JOHN McNEAL, I also give to my son JOHN McNEAL my silver patent leather watch. Likewise I make constitute and appoint my said son CHARLES McNEAL and my wife ELIZA A McNEAL to be Executors of this my last will and testament hereby revoking all forever wills by me made
In witness whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my seal this the 18th day of December 1865
Daniel MCNeil Sr {seal}The above written instrument was subscribed by the said Daniel McNeal in our presence and acknoledged by him to each of us, and he at the same time published and declared the above instrument so subscribed to be his last will and testament and we at the testators request, and in his presence have signed our names as witnesses hereto -
Peter Ratcliff
J B Hoff
A N Ratcliff
Proof of Will The State of Mississippi
Amite County
In the Probate court of said County ? the April term A.D. 1866 thereof
In the matter of a certain instrument of writing perporting to be the last will and testament of DANIEL McNEIL Sr. Dec'd.Be it remembered, that at a term of the Probate Court of the County of Amite, in the State aforesaid, began and held at the courthouse in and for said county on the Second Monday in April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six, personally appeared in open court JOSEPH B HOFF, PETER RATCLIFF, and A N RATCLIFF suscribing witnesses to a certain instrument of writing perporting to be the last will and testament of DANIEL McNEIL Sr late of said county deceased, bearing date the 18 day od Decr A.D. 1865, who having first been duly sworn, deposed and said that said DANIEL McNEIL Sr signed sealed published and declared said instrument as his last will and testament in the presence of ? deponents, on the day of the date thereof. that said testator was then of sound disposing mind and memory, and more than twenty one years of age, and that these deponents subscribed said instrument as witnesses thereto at the ? request, and in the presence of said testator, and also in the presence of each other, on the ? year aforesaid
Sworn and subscribe in open court the 9 day of Apr 1866
A J Whittington clerk