Special thanks must go to cousin Carole Palmer for transcribing this will and posting it to the Webster county KY archives for us all.
I ELIJAH SHELTON of the County of Webster and State of Ky do this day make known my last will and testament. I give and devise all my estate real and personal of which I may die seized or possessed.
First I give and bequeath to my several children an equal portion of all my estate real and personal.
Second I give and bequeath unto my daughter ELIZA CUTSINGER's children all the estate which she would have inherited under the provisions of the above will.
Third I give unto my daughter SARAH HEARINS children the portion of my estate which she would have inherited as an heir.
And I hereby make and ordain my two sons B.F. SHELTON, E.M. SHELTON and F.J. SIGLER my executors of this my last will and Testament in witness whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name this the 22nd day of January 1864.ELIJAH SHELTON
F.J. SIGLERProven by the oaths of G.W. SIGLER & B.F. SHELTON and recorded in the Webster County Kentucky clerk's office the 6th day of February 1864.