Elizabeth Yates

A very special thanks must go to my cousin, Jerry King, for providing me with a copy of this will.

In the name of God, Amen. I ELIZABETH YEATES of Pittsylvania County, and
State of Virginia being weak in body but of sound mind and memory, I do
first give my Soul to God and my Body to be decently buried at the discretion
of my executors, hereafter named, and now dispose of any Worldly Estate
as follows to Wit:
Item first I give unto my Son JOHN YEATES and his heirs a Negro Man named
Item second I give unto my son GEORGE YEATES and his heirs a Negro Girl
named SELVY? and her Increase
Item the third I give unto my Son ELIJAH YEATES and his heirs a Negro Girl
named NISBET and her increase and a ?
Item fourth I Give I give[sic] unto my Daughter HANNAH SHELTON and her heirs
Wife of WILLIAM SHELTON a Negro Girl named DELPHA and all her increase.
Item fifth I give unto my Daughter ANN GIBSON Wife of RICHARD GIBSON and her
Heirs a Negro Girl named JANE and all her increase
Item Sixth I give unto my Daughter MARTHA WATTS and her Heirs a Negro Girl
named A?MACA and all her increase likewise a bed and furniture And I also
desire that all the remaining part of my Personal Estatebe equally divided
amongst the above named Legatees
Lastly I appoint my Son JOHN YEATES and ELIJAH YEATES to be Ex'rs of this
my last Will and Testament ~
Revoking and Annulling all other Wills and this only to be my last Will as
witness my hand and Seal this third day of September 1793
Sealed and Acknowledged} Elizabeth X Yeates L.S.
in the presense of } mark

At Court held for Pittsylvania County the 21 day of September 1795 ~
The within written last Will and Testament of ELIZABETH YEATES deceased was
Exhibited into court by JOHN YEATES and ELIJAH YEATES Executores herein named
and proved by the oath of one of the witnesses hereto, And afterwards to wit
At Court held for the said County the 19th day of October in the year aforesaid
the same being further proved was Ordered to be recorded. And the said
Executors having first taken the Oath by Las prescribed and together
with JOHNATHAN ELLIOTT and DAVID OWEN their securities entered into
Bond and acknowledged the same on their MOtion Certificate ?
granted them for obtaining a probate of the said Will in due form
By the Court