A very special thanks must go to my cousin, Sue Reynolds, for obtaining a copy of this will for me.
THANKS SUE ! In the name of God, Amen. JAMES KITCHING of the county of Smith and State of Tennefsee being of Sound Mind and Memory thanks be to god for it and calling to Mind that it is appointed for all men to Die and confidering the Mortallity of My body to Make Conftitute and ordain this to be my Laft will and Teftament thati is to Say principally and first of all
I give and Recommend my Sole in to the Hands of that god who gave it and for my body I Recommend it to be Buried in tn a Chriftan Like Manner at the Difcretion of My Executors hear after to be Named [Mothing ?autting] but at the general Referection I Shall Receive it agane by the power of almity god as touching Such worldly propertyas it hath pleafed god to blefs me with in this Life I will and defpofe of it in the folloing manner that is to Say
1st I will and bequith unto my beloved wife MORNING KITCHING all the Cleared Land on the plantation whear on I now togather the Houfe that I now Live in During her Natral Life and all the Houfehold Fernitur that I now Posfes During her Life I alfo will unto her tow[sic] cows & calvs tow[sic] Sows & pigs [tow?] yews and lanbs one horfe and Saddle and five Hundred weight of pork & a uundred Bufhils of Corn for her Supprt one yeare
I alfo will that the property that is Left in the hand of my wife after her Demice to be Sold and ? Eaqully Device a M??? all My Living Children
[2nd page]
I will and bequeath unto My son JAMES KITCHINGS the Land whear on he now Lives begining at [struck out word] at a beatch near the Mouth of My Spring branch and Running up Said branch or hollow to the North Line thenc a long the Said old Line to my West corner thenc South to a beatch thence along a Line of Marked trees to a ????? near the Spring branch thenc Running with the Manander? [Meander?] of Said branch to the begining in the hole containing 134 akers More of Lefs
I will and bequith unto My Son THOMAS KITCHINGS the Land Whear on I Now Live to gather With the Land that he Lives on himfelf after My Wife Dec'd in the hole Containg[sic] of 100 akers Mor or Lefs and My Will is that if My Son THOMAS KITCHING Should Die Without having Children by a Lawfull Marred Wife then this Land to fall unto WILLIAM KITCHING Son of JAMES KITCHING
4th I will and bequeth unto My Dauter SARAH ODOM the Land Whear on her Hufband WILEY ODOM Now Lives begining at a Dogwood Running Weft to a Whit Afh on ??? Line thenc North to a beach thenc East to a black Afh Corner tree in the Hole Containing 40 akers More or Lefs
5th and Lastly I ordain Conftitute and appint My beloved Wife MORNING KICHING & My Son JAMES KITCHING Executors of this My Last Will and teftament Directing them to Make Sale of the hole of My property that is not yet bequthed to Ennable them to Difcharg My Just Debts and the Remainder part to be
[page 3]
Eakablely[?] Device ? M??? all My Living Children Sined Sealed Publifhed & Pronouned to be My Last Will and testament of the testator
March the 20th Day 1806 }
I In the prefence of us } [signed]James Kitching {seal}
Robert McKie
Sarah McKie
State of Tennefsee } February Term 1818 Smith County } ??? the last will & Testament of JAMES KITCHENS Dec'd was pro- duced [in open court?] ????????? thereof proven by the oaths of Robert McKie & Sarah McKie ???? ???? JAMES KITCH?? ? the executors ??? came into court qualified & entered into bond with Patrick McEa??? his surety ? the sum of one thousand Dollars ??? and as the law Direct the other executor ? named refusing to qualify Letters of Testament ?? ? therefore Granted him Accordingly Test [cannot read the name]