In the name of God amen, I JOSIAH SHELTON of the county of Henderson and State of Kentucky being of sound mind and memory and considering the uncertainty of this frail and transitory life, do therefore make, ordain publish and declare to be my last Will and Testament that is to say -
First, after all my lawful debts are paid and discharged, the residue of my Estate real and person I give, bequeath and dispose of as follows. To wit, To my beloved wife NANCY SHELTON my track [sic] of land whereon I now live upon to be tilled as she may think best first in corn and then in small grain or to lay idle and to receive the rent for her own use and benefit and at her death to be divided between my two youngest sons GEORGE and WILSON at three hundred dollars each to be added to their shares as I shall name hereafter, the land to be divided as I desire it [description of land omitted]....they are not to have the possession of the land until their mothers death. All the rest of my land at my death that I may be in possession of To be sold by my Exetor [sic] or Exetors [sic] and the money to go into the general fund for the support of my wife during of her lifetime, or so much as will be amply sufficient for her support duran of her lifetime and at her death then to be divided as I now shall direct.
1st To my daughter MARY RUSSELL in addition to the land cow and bed at three hundred and twenty Dollars I give to her one hundred and thirty five dollars at her Mothers death.
2nd To my son WILLIAM J. SHELTON in adition to the land cow bed and horses at Three Hundred and seventy Dollars I give to him Eighty five dollars at the death of his mother.
3rd I give to my son JOHN M. SHELTON in adition to the land cow bed and horse at at three hundred and Seventy Dollars I give him Eighty five dollars at the death of his mother.
4th I give to my daughter ELIZABETH HILL in adition to the cow bed and horse at fifty dollars I give her four hundred and five dollars at the death of her mother.
5th To my son GEORGE B. SHELTON I give in adition to the cow bed and horse and cash one hundred and fifty five dollars the south end half of the land I now live on at _ three hundred dollars _ his mother's death.
6th I give to my daughter MARTHA KNOLES in adition to the cow and bed at twenty dollars four hundred and thirty five dollars at the death of her mother.
7th I give to my daughter SARAH SHELTON in adition to the cow and bed at twenty dollars for her disobedience I shall give her two hundred and seven dollars and fifty cents at her Mothers death.
8th To my son WILSON A. SHELTON I give in adition to the cow bed and horse at seventy dollars the North end half of the land I now live on at Three Hundred dollars and eighty five dollars in cash at the death of his mother.
9th I give to my daughter LUCY ANN YATES in adition to the cow and bed at twenty dollars four hundred and thirty five dollars at her mothers death.
10th I give to my daughter EVELINE TURNER in adition to the cow and bed at twenty dollars four hundred and thirty five dollars at her mothers death.
11th I give to my Grandaughter MARTHA MABERRY in place of her mother in adition to the cow and bed at twenty dollars give her two hundred and seven dollars and fifty cents at the death of her Grandmother.
All the above property both real and person that my wife does not stand in need of at my death to be sold by Exetor or Exetors and the money arising therefrom to be used for her benefit. likewise I make constitute and appoint my son GEORGE B. SHELTON and STEPHEN ARNETT and G.K. ARNETT my Exetors to this my last will and Testament hereby revoking all former wills by me made in witness whereof I have hereunto subscribed or acknowledge my hand and seal this 10th day of December 1859.
Josiah Shelton
Wm. L. Snipes
Thomas L. Snipes
W. J. Parker
Recorded 21st day of November 1864.