Stephen Cutrell of Hyde Co., NC

My personal remarks are always in red. Everything in italics in the document below was written in. This was a typed form. Many of the plural forms of words were struck out to indicate only one heir. Also, I try to put all names in Upper Caps so they are easily found.

Hyde County, North Carolina GenWeb Site


SESSIONS, August TERM, A. D. 1853

THE PETITION OF JANE WARD respectfully showeth to your
worships, that some time in or about the month of December 182 STEPHEN
died intestate, seized and possessed of the following lands, tenements, and hereditaments, viz
one lot or parcel of land on the North Side of Mattamuskeet Lake adjacent to the land of CALIB [S or L] BALLANCE and HENRY HARRIS, and containing about For-
ty Acres,
And that, by his death, the said lands, tenements, and hereditaments descended to CAROLINE
CUETRELL, now the wife of MORRIS SMITH and sole
Surviving child and heir of Said STEPHEN CUTRELL

the defendant[s-struck out] hereafter named Sole heir[s-struck out] at law of the said STEPHEN CUETRELL
that at the time of his death the said STEPHEN CUETRELL most usually dwelt in the said
county of Hyde that at the time of his death he left your petitioner his
widow; that your petitioner as such is entitled to one-third of the said lands and tenements, for
her natural life, for her dower; and is desirous of having the same laid off and allotted in severalty to
her, and of being put in possession of the same; and that your worships would issue your writ to the
sheriff of the said county of Hyde commanding him to summon twelve free-
holders unconnected with your petitioner and the said heirs at law of the said STEPHEN
eith by consanguinity or affinity, and entirely disinterested, who, upon oath,
shall allot and set off to your petitioner the one-third part of the said lands, tenements, and heredita-
ments, whereof the said STEPHEN CUETRELL died as aforesaid seized
and possessed, together with the house or mansion, or part or portion thereof, in which said
STEPHEN CUETRELL dwelt most generally next before his decease,
and of all out-houses, buildings and improvements thereunto belonging, or in any way appertaining, and
put her in possession thereof, acording to the form of the Statute in that case made and provided

To this end, fherefore[sic], and that the said MORRIS SMITH and
CAROLINE his wife

heirs at law as aforesaid, of the said STEPHEN CUETRELL may appear and answer
this petition your petitioner prays that your worships would cause a copy of this petition to be served
on her and her husband aforesaid
together with your writ of subpoena, commanding them, under a certain penalty, to appear at the next
term of your worshipful court, and answer this petition, and show cause, if any they have, why the
prayer of your petitioner should not be granted; and your petitioner will ever pary, &c.
[signature is cut in half and illegible]

{document #2 - handwritten}
(file 13 N.C. Archives STEPHEN CUTRELL Estate, Hyde Co. Mar. - 1833)

State of No. Carolina }
          Hyde County } Court of pleas & Quarter Sefsion
May [February struck out] Term 1833 ~
                       ? ISAAC LAWYER? Esq. and to
[ISAAC LAWYER struck out] J~~. Freeholding? You are appointed by
the Court aforesaid to set off and alot to JANE
CUTRIL & family widow of STEPHEN CUTRELL dec'd one
years provision out of the Estate of said STEPHEN CUTRELL
agriable? to the several acts of afsembly in that c???
made & provided; and also to set off to said widow
such other articles of household goods as she is entitled to
by law and that you make report of your proceedings
to the? said Court to be held for the county aforesaid
on the last Monday of August next. Witnefs RALY?
MURRAY clerk of said Court. the last Monday of May
                           Riley Murray Clk