WM. C. KING and MARY KING his wife was married the 3rd day of Sept. 1795
WM. C. KING na d CHARLOTTE MERIAH KING his wife was married the 9th day of Nov. 1809
W. C. KING and HARDY KING his wife was married 14th of Feb. 1813
FRANCES HOBSON KING, dau of WM. and MARY KING was born on Fri. the 24th day of June 1796
They being twins
THOMAS WIGGINS KING son of WM. and MARY KING was born on Friday the 24th day of June 1796WM. ARMSTED KING son of WM. and MARY KING was born Wed. the 4th day of Oct. 1797
SALLY BAKER KING, dau of WM. and MARY KING was born on Sat. the 9th day of Mar. 1799
COFEL KING, son of WM. KING and MARY KING was born Wed. the 26th day of Nov. 1800
AUGUSTIAN KING son of WM. and MARY KING was born Thu. morn. the 25th day of Jan. 1803
JOHN ROBERT KING son of WM. and MARY KING was born the 6th day of Nov. 1804
HENRY KING, son of WM. and CHARLOTTE M. KING was born the 28th of Jan. 1811
PATSEY MERIAH KING dau. of WM. and HARDY KING was born Mon 9 O'Clock in morn. the 3rd day of Jan. 1814
MARYANN ELIZA KING dau. of WM. and HARDY KING was born the 23 of Oct. 1815
PENELOPY KING, dau of W.C. KING and HARDY KING was born the 10th day of Sept. 1817
HENRY C. KING son of WM. nad ELIZ. KING born SEpt 25 1820
R. JEMES WM. KING son of THOMAS W. KING and MARTHA KING was born the 3rd day of Mar. 1823
GENERAL, son of LUCY was born Oct 4, 1816
MOURIN dau. of AMY was born Nov. the 20th 1815
G. W. LAWRENCE was born 23rd of Nov. 1803
also on the 14th day of Nov 1804 MARY KING departed this life
Oct. Thursday 15th 1812, CHARLOTTE M. KING departed this life
WM. C. KING departed this life on Sun morn. the 22 of Nov. 1818
Thurs. June 13th 1805 MICHAEL KING, my father departed this life
MARY KING my mother departed this life on the 14th of Nov 1810