This selection is titled "Arthur King, Prominent Business Man", and was found in Volume 4. The American progenitor of the King family came from England early in the eighteenth century, made his home in Maryland, and was a civil engineer and land surveyor. He died in Loudoun County, Virginia, leaving a family. (Ed note: Too bad they didn't tell us his name.)
RICHARD KING, son of said progenitor, was born in Frederick County, Maryland, in 1745, and died in 1819. He married SUSAN ------.
RICHARD's son, RICHARD was born in Frederick Co MD in 1782, and died in 1833. He married ELIZABETH REDBURN of Sidling HIll MD, a descendant of Lord SUTTLE of England. Children: JOHN H., REBECCA, SUSAN, SAMUEL, JAMES.
JOHN H. KING, son of RICHARD, was born in Frederick Co MD, July 14, 1806, died at Hagerstown MD May 22, 1891. He entered the service of the government at Harpers Ferry, now West Virginia, in the armory maintained at that point, and remained in this service for a period of thirty-two years. .... "Upon leaving the armory he was given charge of the Agricultural Works at Martinsburg, now West Virginia...." In 1828 he married MARY GREER. Their children were: (1)ELIZABETH; (2) MARTHA J; (3) ANNA M m. JACOB POWLES, judge of the Orphans' Court; (4) AMASA W, connected with US Coast Survey, went south and was a captain in the Confederate army; (5) MARY ELLEN, died in infancy; (6) OLIVER MARSHALL, Spent the greater part of his life in the service of Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company; (7) GEORGE H in the employ of the Southern Express Co; (8) JACOB; (9) ARTHUR.
ARTHUR KING was born at Harper's Ferry VA, July 9, 1831, removed with his parents to Hagerstown, Maryland in 1832, and to Martinsburg, New WV, five years later.....Mr. KING married in York, Dec 22 1868, LYDIA A. ILGENFRITZ. (Their five children are named.) There is a lot more biographical information which would be of interest to any descendants.) (B&W Photo at bottom of page in King's Quarterly.)