1800 Connecticut Federal Census Records

If you can claim one or more of these people and would like to provide the information in the fields that are empty, drop me an e-mail and I will get the information added. Please provide contact information for new cousins who find this listing. A web URL can be placed in the contact field, or your e-mail address if you do not have a web site.

KING Abiram Letchfield        
KING Agustus[sic] Hartford        
KING Allexander Hartford        
KING Allexander Hartford        
KING Amon Hartford        
KING Asa New Haven        
KING Ashbel Hartford        
KING Asher Hartford        
KING Asher Jun. Hartford        
KING Benjamin Hartford        
KING Benoni Hartford        
KING Betty Tolland        
KING Carlos Hartford        
KING Dan Hartford        
KING Dan Hartford        
KING Dan, 5th Hartford        
KING Daniel Fairfield        
KING Daniel Hartford        
KING David Letchfield        
KING David Letchfield        
KING David Hartford        
KING Ebenezer Hartford        
KING Ebenezer Jun. Hartford        
KING Elijah Tolland        
KING Ezra Hartford        
KING George Letchfield        
KING Gideon Letchfield        
KING Hosea Hartford        
KING Isaac Letchfield        
KING James Windham        
KING Jhed. Hartford        
KING Jhn, 2nd Hartford        
KING JO-- Windham        
KING Joel Hartford        
KING John Windham        
KING John Hartford        
KING John Middlesex        
KING John Hartford        
KING John Letchfield        
KING John New London        
KING John Hartford        
KING John Jun. Hartford        
KING Jonah Hartford        
KING Jonathan Letchfield        
KING Joseph Letchfield        
KING Joseph New London        
KING Joseph Middlesex        
KING Joseph Tolland        
KING Joseph New London        
KING Joseph Hartford        
KING Joshua Fairfield        
KING Joshua Fairfield        
KING Kindal Hartford        
KING Lemuel Tolland        
KING Lois Hartford        
KING Lucy Hartford        
KING Magdalen Letchfield        
KING Martha Tolland        
KING Mary Tolland        
KING Michal Tolland        
KING Nahum Hartford        
KING Nahum Jun. Hartford        
KING Oliver Tolland        
KING Oliver Hartford        
KING Paul Hartford        
KING Reuben Tolland        
KING Samuel Windham        
KING Samuel Tolland        
KING Samuel Jun. Tolland        
KING Seth Hartford        
KING Seth Letchfield        
KING Seth, Jun. Hartford        
KING Silas Benjamin Tolland        
KING Simon Tolland        
KING Susanna New London        
KING Thomas New Haven        
KING Timothy Hartford        
KING Walter New London        
KING William Hartford        
KING Zeno Hartford        

Last Updated on 1/29/2002
By Tina M. Hall
Email: familylineage@hotmail.com