1830 Alabama Federal Census Records

If you can claim one or more of these people and would like to provide the information in the fields that are empty, drop me an e-mail and I will get the information added. Please provide contact information for new cousins who find this listing. A web URL can be placed in the contact field, or your e-mail address if you do not have a web site.

KING Alfrod [sic] Dale Southern District        
KING B. Dallas          
KING Barnett Jackson W. of 4th Range        
KING Berry Pickens          
KING Britten Pike          
KING Burton Morgan          
KING C. K. Autauga Southern District        
KING Caswell Dale Southern District        
KING Catharine Mobile          
KING Charles Lowndes Southern District        
KING Drury Morgan          
KING Edmund Shelby Southern District        
KING Edmund Dallas          
KING Edwin G. Pike          
KING Elijah Marion          
KING Elisha Jackson W. of 4th Range        
KING Elisha F. Pike          
KING Elizabeth Henry Southern District        
KING Elizabeth Limestone          
KING Frederick Pike Southern District        
KING Garry Pike Southern District        
KING George Lowndes Southern District        
KING George C. Pike          
KING George R. Shelby Southern District        
KING Gilford Lauderdale          
KING Guiley J. Madison 3rd & 4th Ranges        
KING Hartwell Lawrence          
KING Henry Madison 1st & 2nd Ranges        
KING Henry Mobile          
KING Henry J. Dallas          
KING Hodman Madison 1st & 2nd Ranges        
KING Hugh B. Lauderdale          
KING Ingliby [sic] Lauderdale          
KING Jabez Jefferson          
KING Jacob Clarke Southern District        
KING James Conecuh          
KING James Franklin          
KING James Jackson W. of 4th Range        
KING James Lawrence          
KING James Monroe          
KING James Morgan          
KING James Morgan          
KING James Pike Southern District        
KING Joel Jackson W. of 4th Range        
KING John Dallas          
KING John Franklin          
KING John Greene Southern District        
KING John Pike Southern District        
KING John Mobile Mobile City        
KING John Morgan          
KING John Madison 3rd & 4th Ranges        
KING John D. Madison 3rd & 4th Ranges        
KING John F. Lauderdale          
KING John G. Monroe          
KING Johnathan Jackson W. of 4th Range        
KING Johnson Lawrence          
KING Johnson Pike Southern District        
KING Joseph Mobile Mobile City        
KING Lucy Walker          
KING M. Franklin          
KING Mary Lauderdale          
KING Micajah Butler          
KING Morgan Jackson W. of 4th Range        
KING Murain Jackson E. of 4th Range        
KING Nicholas Lawrence          
KING Peter Franklin          
KING Peter Jackson E. of 4th Range        
KING Peyton Jefferson          
KING Philip Tuscaloosa Southern District        
KING Rachel Dallas          
KING Richard Lawrence          
KING Robert Lauderdale          
KING Samuel T. Lawrence          
KING Sared Lauderdale          
KING Stephen Madison 1st & 2nd Ranges        
KING T. D. Tuscaloosa Southern District        
KING T. T. Tuscaloosa Southern District        
KING Thomas Mobile Mobile City        
KING Thomas St. Clair          
KING Thomas Montgomery          
KING Thomas P. Marengo Southern District        
KING Thomas Sr. St. Clair          
KING Tom Dallas          
KING Vincent Bibb          
KING William Jackson E. of 4th Range        
KING William Lauderdale          
KING William Bibb          
KING William Marengo Southern District        
KING William Morgan          
KING William Morgan          
KING William Shelby Southern District        
KING William D. Franklin          
KING William Jackson E. of 4th Range        
KING William M. Madison 1st & 2nd Ranges        
KING William M. Tuscaloosa Southern District        
KING Willson Tuscaloosa Southern District        
KING Wilson Conecuh          

Last Updated on 1/29/2002
By Tina M. Hall
Email: familylineage@hotmail.com