1830 Georgia Federal Census Records

If you can claim one or more of these folks and would like to provide the information in the fields that are empty, drop me an e-mail and I will get the information added. Please provide contact information for new cousins who find this listing. A web URL can be placed in the contact field, or your e-mail address if you do not have a web site.

KING (name illegible) Columbia          
KING A. W. D. Monroe          
KING Aaron Cass 12th Division        
KING Abram Jackson 45th Subdivision        
KING Alexander Greene          
KING Alexander Monroe          
KING Alfred Monroe          
KING Alfred P. Hancock          
KING Ambrose Henry          
KING Amos Harris          
KING Andrew Muscogee Columbus        
KING Barrington Liberty          
KING Benajah Upson          
KING Benja(m)in Monroe          
KING Benjamin Liberty          
KING Benjamin Henry          
KING Benjamin Jackson          
KING Benjamin Putnam          
KING Berry Franklin          
KING Betsey Camden St. Mary, Town of        
KING Carter Jackson 45th Subdivision        
KING Charles Washington          
KING Charles C. Washington          
KING Curtis Greene          
KING David Hall          
KING Dickson Henry          
KING Drury Greene          
KING Edmond Franklin          
KING Eleanor Jackson 45th Subdivision        
KING Elijah Habersham          
KING Eliphalet Pulaski          
KING Elisha Cass 12th Division        
KING Elisha Washington          
KING Elishue Habersham          
KING Elizabeth Baldwin          
KING Franklin T. Monroe          
KING George Clarke          
KING George Franklin          
KING George C. Jones Clinton Township        
KING Geraldus Jefferson          
KING Green Hall          
KING H. Chesham Savannah City        
KING Hason (?Jason?) Madison          
KING Henry Dooly          
KING Henry Pulaski          
KING Henry Troup          
KING Henry D. Taliaferro          
KING Hiram Wilkinson          
KING Hiram Henry          
KING Howel Wilkinson          
KING Hy. Upson          
KING Isaac Rabun          
KING Isaac W. Pike          
KING Jacob Upson          
KING James Baldwin          
KING James Butts          
KING James Camden St. Mary's River        
KING James Cass 12th Division        
KING James De Kalb          
KING James Franklin          
KING James Greene          
KING James Habersham          
KING James Jackson 45th Subdivision        
KING James Monroe          
KING James Pulaski          
KING James M. Cass 12th Division        
KING James Sr. De Kalb          
KING Jesse Jones          
KING Jesse Oglethorpe          
KING Jesse Putnam Eatonton        
KING John Cass 12th Division        
KING John Chesham Savannah City        
KING John Columbia          
KING John De Kalb          
KING John De Kalb          
KING John Gwinnett          
KING John Habersham          
KING John Jackson 45th Subdivision        
KING John Jones Clinton Township        
KING John Monroe          
KING John Newton          
KING John Pulaski          
KING Misanio Cass 12th Division        
KING Montreville Cass 12th Division        
KING Richard Pike          
KING Spencer Cass 12th Division        
KING Stephen H. Pike          
KING Susan Cass 12th Division        
KING William Cass 12th Division        
KING William Cass 12th Division        
KING William D. Pike          
KING William H. Cass 12th Division        

Last Updated on 1/29/2002
By Tina M. Hall
Email: familylineage@hotmail.com