p. 7 Mr. THO. BEALE, Junr., 929 acs. neer head of Rappa. Cr. 28 May 1673, p. 24. Beg. neer the mouth of Herring Cr. that empties into Rappa. Cr. &c. Trans. of 19 pers: Andrew Canidge, James Lovestone, Jno. Richards, Ja. Foster, Geo. Hilliard, Andrew Molten, Ja. Davies, Ann Child, Eliz. Wilkinson, Tho. Clark, Wm. Taught, Elias Johnson, Ja. Ballum, Tho. Long, Ja. Chaddock, Emma. Halderson, Lewis Hollis, JAMES KING. (Mutilated.)
p. 14 WILL AIRES, 592 acs. Rappa. Co., upon main br., or sw. of Piscataway Cr., 27 Feb. 1665/6 p. 48. Trans. of 12 pers: Jno. Watson, Robt. Bryan, Thomas MOrice, Henry Boswell, Mary Berry, Moses Rabbitt, ARTHUR KING, James Johnson, Jno. Berry, Ruth Mason, Mathew Jennings twice.
p. 14/15 WM. LLOYD & JNO. BIDDLE, 4750 acs. W'moreland Co., 17 Apr 1667, p. 50. Beg. a mile from Nomany Riv., adj. land of Jno. Wood. Granted unto Wm. Drummond, Esqr., 10 Sept. 1661, deserted. new granted by order &c., & further due for trans. of 95 pers: Phill Harwood, Roger Plumer, Thomas Pan- ton, Jno. Wray, Robt. Salter, Edw. Place, Edw. Bourne, Jno Coales, Margtt. Long, Lewis Wilkenson. Phill Ashby, Tho. Preston, Tho. Wareham, Wm. Lan- caster, James Beare, Abram Jnoson., Jno. Spire, Tho. Faukham, Symon Salter, Edward Jnoson., Robt. Thomson, Margtt. Bauin (?), Jno. Felton, Phill Felton, Will Gayler, Thomas Gilles, Henry Stearne, Roger Symons, Jno Philpott, Jno Tyler, Morgan Lewis, Matthew Hughes, James Roger, Roger Clayton, Tho. Kentby, Robt. Herne, Wm. Strood, Symon Allin, Jeremy Ward, Rich. Cord, Rich. Smith, Samll. Warrin, James Bird, Tho. Davies, Eliz. Williams, Hanah Palmer, Eliz. Mathews, Edward Shelton, Edward Sneath, Wm. Tanner, Robt. Wheeler, Henry Weston, Isaac Scott, Jno Arkins, Tho. Sheffield, Nich. Wil- son, Ralph Sharpe, Wm. Bateman, Mathew Wills, Alexr. Mont, Marke Abster (or Alester), George Roymon, Samll. Burton, Cutch Butler, Fred Downes, Wm. Downes, Isaac Gibson, Robt. Read, Margtt. Parkinson, Marg. Upsalarum, MARY KING, Wm. Jordan, Henry Harper, Tho. Dannings, Tho. Beale, Jno. Marston, Roger Gray, Mary Talbott, Mich. Orton, James Neale, Tho. Murry, Luke Bayly, Tho. Beale, Mary Jordan, Alice Miles, Jno. Clarke, Tho. Shutwell, Isaac Tatem, Eliz. Williams, Tho. Bauy (Bany-Bavy ?), Fran- cis Mason, Henry Quelch, Cor. Obreeman, Jno. Pew, Tho. Edridge.
p. 23 ARTHUR ROBINS, 1000 acs. Accomack Co., 9 Oct. 1667, p. 80. W. side of Nathanael Bradford's 400 acs. & sd. Bradfords devdt. at Watchapreag, bound- ed on S. by land of Richard Kellum & Bartholomew Meares, N. by Niccowom- son maine S. br. &c. Trans. of 20 pers: Edward Mosse, James Heyton, John Long, Sarah Carter, Judeth Small, Rich. Dix, Jno. Washford, Edgar Glascocke, Tho. Standard, Miles Fortesque, JAMES KING, Joseph Dun, Joane Oxford, Tho. Mutley, Eliza. Tailor, Martha Wont, Tho. Billington, James Scott, Abigail Barnhouse, Tymothy Champion.
p. 26 MR. ROBERT KING & ANTHONY HOGGARD. 737 acs. Staff. Co., upon branches of Up. Machotick Riv., 31 Dec. 1667, p. 93. A branch deviding this from land of Edward Hewes, to N. W. sode of the horse bridge deviding this & landof Mr. Robert Hewson &c. Trans of 15 pers: Mr. John Lord, 3 tymes; John Bennett, Thomas Gibbins, James Goodacre, James Winterbottome, John Thompson, David Chitby, John Marshall, Minion Younge, Anne Young, Robert Whitehead, Tho. Smith, James Valience (or Dalience).
p. 26 MR. ROBERT KING, 395 acs. Staff. Co.,; bet. Rappa. & Potomack Rivs., 31 Dec. 1667, p. 94. Beg. at land surveyed for Henry Perry (Berry), Robert Peck & Jno. Welch &c. to Mr.Francis Hale his cart path &c. Trans. of 7 pers: Thomas Grooby, Margarett Woory, Mary Smith, Edmond Westborne, Tho. Bressey, Lawrence Caps, Davy Herbert.
p. 27 JOHN TALBOTT & ELIAS DOWNES, 1600 acs. New Kent co., S. side of Mattapony Riv., 18 Dec. 1667, p. 97. Beg. a little below sunken grownd &c., to forkes of Fawnes br., to land of Edward Holmes &c, Trans. of 32 pers: Wm. Clayborne, Wm. Harris, Wm. Morris, Jno. Pipps, Tho. Story, Rich. Petonere (?), Jon. Palmer, Roger Sadler, John Wilson, Roger Barloe, Wm. Dawson, Jno. Swift, Rich. Evans, Peter Jennings, Arthur Grymers, Jno. Willett, Wm. Cawsey, Daniel Haddock, Jno. Fox, Tho. Cox, Francis Jones, Hugh Evans, Rich. Thompson, Tho. Varnall, JNO. KING, Wm. Roberts, Jno. Griffen, Hugh Meredith, Robt. Sowersby, Margarett Woodward, John Gates, Jno Gardner.
p. 32 MR. HENRY KING, 1000 acs. Isle of Wight co., on the first br. of the black water, 18 Apr. 1668, p. 117. 900 acs. beg. in the Swampe, a br. parting this from land of PHill. Hunniford &c. 750 acs. granted to Kno. Sweet, 26 Sept. 1643 & by'sd. King's father long since purchased of sd. Sweet; 100 acs. pur- chased of Francis England & 250 acs. for trans. of 5 pers: Cutbert Fletcher, Ferdinando Downe, Wm. Edmonds, Joshua Gibson, Robt. Read.
p. 198 RICHARD REYNOLDS, the younger, of Is. of W. Co.,566 acs. in the Low. Par. of sd. co., on NW side of the head of the low. Bay Cr; 10 May 1679. p. 684. Beg. at an island near head of sd. Cr; to Chr. Bly's line; along HEN. KING; to Col. Smith, & Mr. Driver; to head of West freshett or swamp, &c. 241 acs. part of 450 acs. granted Mr. Chr. Reynolds. later of sd. Co., 15 Sept. 1636 & by will given to his eldest sonn Chr., & his heires forever .who be- queathed to sd. Richard, his onely sonn& heire; 100 acs. part of 350 acs. granted to Mr. Richd. Jordan, Senr., 18 Mar. 1662, who conveighed to sd. Chr. Reynoldes 17 May 1658, who bequeathed to sd. Richards; 225 acs. being waste, together with sd. 341 acs. due for trans. of 12 pers: Danll Hennon (or Herron-altered), Jno. Champion, Lewis Davis, Edwd. Goodson, (Note: Con- veyance from Jordan to Reynolds antedates his pattent.)
p. 200 WILLIAM HARRIS, 1600 acs., Staff. Co; at head of the main runn of Niobscoe (Nyobscoe) Cr., 20 May 1679, p. 691. Beg. by an Indian Path divid- ing this & land of Mr. Nathan Barton; along the Ridge Path; to MR. ROBERT KING; along Burbridge's land, &c. Trans of 32 pers* NOTE FROM SITEOWNER: No listing of the transported people.