Directory of the Ancestral Heads
of New England Families
1620 - 1700

Published by:
Compiled by Frank R. Holmes
Contributed by Lou Pero
(Thanks, Lou!)


The primary sense is a head or leader, Gaelic, ceann; Welsh, cun, a head, a leader. Saxon cyng, and nearly the same in all Teutonic dialects. The King family was seated in the vicinity of Ugborough, England, as early as 1389.

ALEXANDER    was at Wickford, R. I., 1674.

CLEMENT      a resident of Malden, Mass, 1668, later removed to R. I.

DANIEL       merchant, was at Lynn, Mass., 1647.

HEZEKIAH     was living at Weymouth, Mass., 1679.

JAMES        cooper, son of William K., and of the fifth generation
             from Thomas Kynge, 1538, was born at Ugborough, Eng., 1647,
             and came to Ipswich, Mass., befor 1674, and removed to
             Suffield, Conn., where he was an original porprieter in

JOHN         livingin Hartford, Conn., 1645; removed to Northampton, Mass.

MARK         a resident of Charlestown, Mass., 1658.

PETER        a deacon and representative to the legislature, settled at
             Sudbury, Mass., 1654.

PHILIP       came from England at Weymouth, Mass., 1672.

RALPH        married and resided at Lynn, Mass., 1648.

RICHARD      settled as early as 1635 at Salem, Mass.

SAMUEL       a resident of Plymouth, Mass., 1643.

SAMUEL       was at Weymouth, Mass., 1659.

THOMAS       b. Eng., 1615, came to N. E., 1634; was at Watertown, Mass.,

THOMAS       b. Shaston, Dorsetshire, Eng., 1600; settled at Sudbury,
             Mass., 1640.

THOMAS       known as Elder Thomas, son of George K., of Cold Norton,
             County Essex, Eng., b. 1604; settled at Scituate, Mass.,

WILLIAM      b. Eng., 1608, settled at Salem, Mass., 1635.

WILLIAM      died at Isle of Shoals, 1664.

WILLIAM      resident of Boston, Mass., 1655.