32 An acct Current of the Estate of Samuel King Decd. L. 1 Cow and Calf 55/ one Sow Shoal 7/ | 3| 2|" 2 Polls & Hooks 18/6 2 wheels 5/6 | "|14|" 3 Chairs 3/6 one Gun 1/ | "| 4|6 1 Box one Gun and Stule(sp) and Bench 1/. 2 Cocks & Hen 1/6 | "| 2|6 2 muges 1/6 1 Skillet 1/3 one Pale 3/. 4 plates 5/6 | "|11|3 1 Bason and Strap & Speeket(sp) one tin cup 2/7. Knives and forks 1/6 | "| 4|1 6 Spoons 1/6 | "| 1|6 B? Blanket and Bol? 6/6. 1 Jug & Tub 1/6 | "| 8|" Spun Cotton & other Cotton and Wool 6/. and /?. Cotton Cards 8/ | "|14|" 1 Box ? 1 Pig 1/6 four Ducks 3/. # HOes 6/. | "|11|" Patrick County Sept. Court 1797 The Within Acct. Current of the Estate of Saml. King decd. was exhibited in Court by Isom Craddock, and the same was ordered to be recorded. Teste L. Staples Jan 1797 Estate of Samuel King To Isom Craddock D ? King Attending his wife 25 days and nights L| 2|10|" To 5 times going to Mill man and Horse | "|10|" To making 2 Coffins and finding Plank 7/6| "|15|" To ? winding Sheet | "| 8|" To Dyging 2 Graves | "|10|" to taking an acct. of his goods | "|12|" L| 5| 5|"