SOURCE: Photocopy of the actual document(s) as recorded
Contributed by Lou Pero
(Thanks, Lou!)

                May the 26th 1798
                                  Inventory of the Estate of Wm. King Decd.~
                Two Cows & Calfs                                   L.7 S.??
Inventory of    One Cow ? Yearling                                   3~10~?
The Estate of   Three Heffers                                        3~15~?
Wm. King decd.  One old Mare                                         4~ 0~?
                One Negro girl                                      40~ 0~?
                One post and hooks                                   0~ 8~?
                One dutch oven                                       0~12~?
                One Pale & pigen                                     0~ 3~?
                One hand Saw                                         0~10~?
                One parcel of ? feather                              0~ 6~?
                One parcel of ?                                      0~ 3~?
                One Drawing Knife                                    0~ 2~?
                One dutch plow and grubing(sp?) hoe                  0~ 8~0
                One bed & furniture                                  8~ 0~0
                One Spinging wheel                                   0~ 9~0
                One Saddle & bridle                                  1~10~0
                One p? of Co??en Cards                               0~ 3~0
                One bed & furniture                                 10~ 0~0
                One Corner Cubard                                    2~ 0~0
                One Black Walnut Chest                               1~ 5~0
                One half Dogen(sp?) Chest (or Chers)                 0~15~0
                One Case & bottles                                   0~ 0~0
                One large Jug                                        0~ 6~0
                One Shuger(Sugar?) box                               0~15~0
                One parcel of P(lates?) and Knives & forks           0~ 4~0
                One meal Sifter                                      0~ 3~0
                One parcel of Tumbler glafses                        0~ 3~6
                One parcel of Crockerre ware                         ~ 11~6
                One Decanter                                         ~  5-0
                half ounce red bark                                  ~  4-6
                One Jug Candlestick & bottle                         ~  2 6
                one Slate                                            ~  1 ~
                                                                    88~ 5 ~
                one parcel of books                                  0~ 0~5
                one looking glafs & veal                             ~  1~6
                one meal bag & Churn                                  ~ 5~
                one pair flatt Irons                                  ~ 5~
                one pole of one ? ? lambs                       can't read
                one parcel ? ? & ? ? one book                   can't read
                ? Cash                                             L39 16..3

      26                                  William Hewlett }
                                          John Devies(sp) }  appraisers  ~
                                          John Burgis     }

                                          Wm. Mitchell ~ Administrator

                At a Court held For Henry County on the 25th Day of June 1798

                The Within Inventory of the Estate of William King deceased was
                returned and ordered to be Recorded By the Court


                                                    John Cox   Clk(?)