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Donated by Rande Eggleston
David Shelton DeceasedSettlement with his Administrators
John Silvertooth and John Dawdy
We the commifsioners appointed by the Court
of Lincoln County agreeable to an order
of said Court to us Directed have made
a Settlement, With John Silvertooth and
John Dawdy Admrs of the Estate of David
Shelton Deceased, and on a fair Investiga
tion of all the accounts and receipts to us
produced have made the following
Settlement (to wit)
After said Administrators Settling
old Demands against said Estate find
the amount of $394.15
We have also paid of one Legatee
this amount 78.28
Remains on hands
Given under our hands
and seals this 18th of April 1818
Recorded August 15th 1823
A. W. Walker {seal}James Clark {Do}